My 10 favorite keto recipes

I’ve started practicing keto as an experiment. I have never ever been on a “diet” but after hearing a couple of close people being super satisfied with the results – I’ve decided to give it a try. Not fond of cooking, but if it’s fast, easy and yummy, I’m in.

Normally you should test keto for at least 6 weeks to see some changes, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to stick with it for so long. Luckily friends came up with some really easy recipes and 6 weeks flew by! 

The results were awesome, my energy was through the roof, my mood improved, my focus was laser sharp, memory was no more goldfish’s size….hell – this might stick around this keto thing 😀  

These are some of my favorite recipes, I hope you will have fun testing them! 

Starting with my favorite part of the day…


I am one of those people who find it difficult to have breakfast without bread, so my #1 recipe is this keto bread. It’s beyond delicious and everything opposite of what you expect from gluten-free bread. It’s a MUST. 🙂


Of course, once you have such a great base, you can go crazy with the toppings. Eggs are my go-to for pretty much every breakfast, so all combinations with bacon and avocado that you can come up with will be delicious.

My 10 favorite keto recipes

Crispy asparagus 

Another quick and easy, vitamin and fat bomb, that I love to add to my standard egg breakfast is this asparagus in crispy bacon. Of course, you can serve it with anything else as a side dish too.

My 10 favorite keto recipes


Good quality lunch is a struggle for a lot of people when they only have short lunch breaks. So sticking to keto can be tricky if you are running around and are tempted by bagels and sandwiches on every corner.

Lunch should be nutritious and give you the energy for the rest of the work day, not the crash that will just ask for another coffee. Here are my favorite salads recipes.

Chicken salad

This chicken salad is yummy! Whatever cut you prefer you can prepare it the night before and have it ready for your lunch box the next day. 

Arash has many more great keto recipes, so if you are looking for more inspiration, check out his Instagram.

My 10 favorite keto recipes

Another great option for healthy lunch is this zucchini salad. With some goat cheese and pine nuts, mmm…deliciouuuusss! 🤤

Zucchini salad

My 10 favorite keto recipes


Keto or no keto, pizza is my PMS – cravings go to. I have never believed that healthy pizzas could even come close to the “real ones”, but when I started experimenting with different base options I figured that with good toppings you can “fix” anything you might not like. 

This one though doesn’t need much fixing if you ask me. So simple, and so tasty.


My 10 favorite keto recipes

Talking about autumn food goes hand in hand with butternut. One of my favorite veggies, so easy to combine with meat and other veggies. Bakes, steamed, grilled and even “liquid”, I’ll take it. Put some blue cheese on it and I’ll come from another city for it!

Spaghetti squash

My 10 favorite keto recipes

Another one for the winter cravings is this casserole dish. Stuffed with cheese (yes I know, another one with cheese, but I’m addicted! 🤷) I honestly don’t know if it can be any easier to make, benign one pan dish. I’m not going to complain if I have fewer dishes to scrub, let’s just put it that way.

Cabbage beef casserole

My 10 favorite keto recipes

By now you figured I love Italian food, so not to surprise you too much, here is another one. This causes serious drooling when hubby comes with his Italian dinner suggestions. I mean, just look at it. 😀


My 10 favorite keto recipes


Keto desserts took me a while to fall in love with because I just couldn’t imagine life without my typical desserts – ice creams and cookies. However, learning how to replace ingredients one by one, slowly I was practicing and discovering some interesting new combinations. 

Luckily for me, sugar-free chocolate and peanut butter nowadays taste better and better. There are some really good options out there, so find your favorite ones and make these mega-easy sweet indulgencies. 

You gonna have to hide them properly if you want them to last longer than a day!

Fat bombs

My 10 favorite keto recipes

Peanut butter chocolate bars

My 10 favorite keto recipes

Please let me know if you tried any of those, I’d love to hear back from you!

Much love,


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