How to sleep better in 7 easy steps
You are not happy no matter what kept you awake! A neighbor at this air BnB kept talking on the phone so much that I perfected my Spanish at 3 am enough to make him pack his bag the next day. All my telenovelas…
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You are not happy no matter what kept you awake! A neighbor at this air BnB kept talking on the phone so much that I perfected my Spanish at 3 am enough to make him pack his bag the next day. All my telenovelas…
I was thinking about this after the last encounter with a rude salesperson. I haven’t been in a similar situation for a long time, but the moment I was out of the shop I realized my heart was beating faster, I felt my red…
As always, I am being my positive self and looking at things from a different angle. Coming from the Balkans I have experienced some difficult periods in my life. Our parents had to worry daily about the safety of the family and if there…
You are aware of all the toxins we are exposed to, willingly or not, through water, ground and air. Not all toxins are as easy to avoid but better be safe than sorry. So if it takes a little time to make something non-toxic at…
Have you ever heard of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator? Or you came across Human design on your Instagram feed but just scrolled further? I’m not going into a woo-woo side, don’t run away just yet, but let’s admit there is more to organizing…
Home organizing grew its popularity in the last couple of years as people started seeing how much benefit it brings to our daily lives. Organizing makes us happy and it’s official! Organizing does make us happy, but have you ever thought about why? During…