Are you too crazy for this world?

Are you too crazy for this world?

Have you ever heard of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator? Or you came across Human design on your Instagram feed but just scrolled further?

I’m not going into a woo-woo side, don’t run away just yet, but let’s admit there is more to organizing than creating just an aesthetically pleasing space. Does that sound too crazy for this world? Let me share my Projector’s view with you and some tools that could help you too.

How about starting from the beginning to truly understand what lies behind procrastination or why we just can’t seem to become tidier, no matter how many organizing tips lists we’ve downloaded?
Let me explain how finding peace of mind is simple, but might also make you wanna change your environment immediately.

Am I crazy or lazy?

In Harmony by Alex was born in the middle of the lockdown, out of pure passion and self-growth. I needed to quit what I was doing and find my peace of mind.

Wanting to reconnect with my true self and live in alignment with my values, was urgent and I finally had time for it. Constantly thinking if I am crazy or lazy wasn’t bringing me anywhere, so it was time for some shadow work.

reconnect with yourself
reconnect with yourself

How a personality questionnaire could make you feel less crazy

All that extra time on our hands helped us learn something new about ourselves, right? I got deeper into what exactly makes me feel so lost. Is it really the pandemic or is there something more to it?

Peeling those onion layers is never easy as you know, but the more I was willing to feel what was there to feel the more I understood.

My husband and I went through many ups and downs, but this hit us hard as business owners and we all know how affected was the service industry around the world.

You start to think in circles – is this what I want, what I need, what I’m here to do…? Our restaurant was taking 99% of our lives, but now that It HAD to be closed, I “had to” permit myself to make time for my other interests and not feel guilty about it.

Self-development books and podcasts saved so many of us in those uncertain times, so one by one piece started falling together. I was on a mission to figure it out!

your own version of crazy
your own version of awesome

Myers-Briggs explains a lot, let me tell you

I’ve always enjoyed all things psychology, so there I was one typical rainy Belgian day, in front of the Myers-Briggs questionnaire. I turned out to be the ISTJ personality type. That’s short for INTROVERT, SENSING, THINKING, JUDGING. This last one got me like…..say what? But after decoding the content I realized all the differences in my clients and their confusion. They would often doubt themselves, consider themselves lazy and uncapable. But I had to start from myself first and learn how to implement this new information into my new organizing business. It also answered some questions in my own head.

  • I like to-do lists (I’ve been called crazy for that before)
  • I have difficulty letting go of things with sentimental value
  • I procrastinate when I’m not “feeling it” (labeled – lazy)
  • I’m overextending myself and that stressed me out (back of the room – “she is too much”)
  • …and so on…

True that! I was always an organized person, I’ve always had my schedules and lists, but give me some extra time and I’ll lose track of time while organizing and decluttering.

It’s almost a meditative state for me (and I talk about it more here) but over time I’ve learned that most people don’t look at it that way. When organizing, I do have clear goals and priorities, I always finish what I start and I just thought that’s what everyone does. Or not?

For me, structure is necessary to function, but if you are someone more spontaneous, you might need to organize your life and your work environment completely differently. If you are a single mom with 3 kids, your organizing priorities are not to be compared to some mansion – owner – Instagram profile, not now, not ever!

If you are EITP for instance (Extrovert – Intuitive – Thinking – Perceiving) you don’t give a damn about checklists, you just want things within a hand’s reach. You will improvise rather than plan; under stress though even a minor detail could throw you off, so those socks better be color-coded.

But organizing and jokes aside, this kind of insights help you understand far more than that. It’s your relationships, your habits and hobbies, and it just puts things into a new perspective if you will.

So I kept researching and I stumbled upon another little gem via Stephanie on Instagram which led me to – Human design.

Human design for feeling less crazy

If you know the exact hour and minute of your birth, in a couple of minutes you will have your very own unique chart. It’s not going to look really clear at first, and the size of the report might scare you, but with a little bit of research you can discover more than in any conversation with your friends and family. 

How come? Because they all have their prism through which they observe the world around them. There are so many influences on how we create our perception of life, that it’s not realistic to rely your self-image on anyone’s opinion.

Back to HD.

There are 5 energy types – Generators, Manifesting generators, Manifestors, Reflectors and Projectors and within those, you have different profiles that tell you how you approach life.

My energy type is Projector, profile 5-1 Heretic/Investigator. Going through the report made me feel dizzy!

So many things suddenly made sense. My whole life I’ve been labeling myself too difficult, too organized, too excited and too enthusiastic for no apparent reason. Also realizing I need more breaks than other people and can be easily triggered under stress.

In a work environment that made me feel guilty and lazy. It made me think I probably suck at what I do and now my health is paying the price for me overworking my backside under stress and fear of underperforming. People pleaser. You get it. Vicious circle.

Until I’ve learned that my aura projects (Projector) and reflects the energy I absorb from my environment, which, when you surround yourself with other more dominant Human design profiles, exhausts you. Knowing this alone would save me a lot of tears over the years, but hey – we never stop learning. 

Give yourself permission to be your true self!

There are a lot of details in this “permission slip to be yourself” and there are qualified people and coaches who can help you understand your chart. Once you understand how it’s all connected and written in your soul, you will wonder how have you ever lived without knowing it.

It’s not a miracle, but it’s like a manual to yourself.

You are beautiful
Your own version of awesome

The thing is, we should all first get to be quiet with ourselves. Realize who we really are and what we really need in life, before we judge ourselves.

There is so much more to this, every profile has so many great characteristics and it all makes us amazing human beings, but we have to slow down to be able to recognize it.

I hope you got inspired enough to discover for yourself if you are crazy, lazy or just your amazing beautiful self. 🙂 We all are going through a lot, so cut yourself some slack and enjoy the process of getting to know who you really are.

Please let me know in the comments which personality type you are, I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of organizers we all are and what are the things that you struggle the most with.

Much love,

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