About me

About me

and my mission

A passionate creative generalist, wildly in love with life, aiming and readjusting to live in harmony with nature. This blog will tell you all about me and it will be my medium for sharing experiences, lessons, and all the beauty I come across on my journey.
Living in harmony with nature seems like a luxury, but it find it more necessary than ever. In this ever-changing world it so easy to stay stuck in that 9 to 5 job, wasted weekends – hating Mondays mode, right? Let’s work on it, if I can do it, you can do it too!
I truly enjoy deep conversations and equally dislike small talk. Let’s chat universe, plants, home organization, leaving matrix and coming home to – your self.

I’ll help you organize your home, so you can relax and realize how little we need to find peace. I’ll teach you some simple tricks to improve your mood and be more productive.

Let’s disconnect from unnecessary and go find peace within. Listen to your gut when it screams for rest, life in harmony with nature is a form of self care, nothing less than that.


Among other things I’m passionate about dancing and photography, dogs will forever be my love and palms will put an instant smile on my face…. yes – palm trees!


I’m here to listen. I’m here to make you dance.
In all my feminine power & not hiding behind feminism anymore, but proudly embracing all my HSP qualities and want to help YOU find that peace as well


Follow along and feel free to drop me an email with any questions or suggestions, I will answer faster than you might expect.

Would love to get in touch!

